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  1. X-GOVUK projects
  2. GOV.UK Components
  3. Using components

Using components

You can use view components in Rails templates by:

  • passing a ViewComponent object to Rails’ render method directly
  • using the packaged helpers that build and render the ViewComponent

The result and functionality of the components is the same regardless of approach.

Capturing content

This library uses Rails’ default capture functionalty. It’s intended to work with strings but renders nothing when other kinds of objects are provided. For example, if we capture a floating point number and a string in a tag#span block, only the string is rendered.

= tag.span { 1.0 }
= tag.span { "2.0" }

Using component objects directly

Rails supports the rendering of ViewComponent objects natively. You can pass them straight to render in your template.

= render( "Important message"))

Using the provided helper methods

The helper methods make rendering components easier and they provide a more consistent experience when using with the link helpers and GOV.UK Form Builder.

= govuk_inset_text(text: "Important message")
Component to helper mappings
Component class name Helper method
GovukComponent::AccordionComponent govuk_accordion
GovukComponent::BackLinkComponent govuk_back_link
GovukComponent::BreadcrumbsComponent govuk_breadcrumbs
GovukComponent::CookieBannerComponent govuk_cookie_banner
GovukComponent::DetailsComponent govuk_details
GovukComponent::FooterComponent govuk_footer
GovukComponent::HeaderComponent govuk_header
GovukComponent::InsetTextComponent govuk_inset_text
GovukComponent::NotificationBannerComponent govuk_notification_banner
GovukComponent::PaginationComponent govuk_pagination
GovukComponent::PanelComponent govuk_panel
GovukComponent::PhaseBannerComponent govuk_phase_banner
GovukComponent::StartButtonComponent govuk_start_button
GovukComponent::SummaryListComponent govuk_summary_list
GovukComponent::TableComponent govuk_table
GovukComponent::TabComponent govuk_tabs
GovukComponent::TagComponent govuk_tag
GovukComponent::WarningTextComponent govuk_warning_text